Similar to a few weeks ago we have another great weekend overflowing with geekdom. So much to do I can’t decide how i want to spend my time.
The weekend begins on midnight on Thursday with the opening of Iron Man 3
Saturday is Free Comic Book Day and “May the Fourth Be with You!” both recently created holidays. Free Comic Book Day started in 2002 as a collaboration between comic shop and publishers with the goal to gain new fans by publishing free comics for people to use as a jumping on point into the larger world of comics. Today it has become Black Friday like for comic book shops with huge sales, costume contests, and comic creator signs. Geek Triumvirate will be a few places this Saturday. The Comics Club, Read More Comics, Heroes Haven, Desert Dune Comics, and Ultimate Comics. For more information visit Free Comic Book Day.
Saturday is May 4th or better know as “May the Fourth be with you” day. Started on social media to celebrate the date that is similar to the famous phrase from the Star Wars films “May the Force be with you” . The date has now become annual event to celebrate all things Star Wars. Disney Hollywood Studios was already planning to have Star Wars celebration throughout May and June but last week they announce on May 4th they were going to have events at the park featuring Star Wars characters attending rides, a symphony performance, and a fireworks show. For more information about Disney’s Hollywood Studios “limited time magic” Star Wars celebration click image below.
You also have a new episode of Doctor Who and Game of Thrones both hitting their strides a few episodes deep into the season. Plus NHL PLAYOFFS!