All-New X-Men #24 by Marvel Comics
X-Men and Guardians vs. Gladiator and Jean Grey’s fate lies in the balance!
One of the X-Men’s lives will be forever changed!
Astro City #9 by DC/Vertigo
Winged Victory, Samaritan and the Confessor take down the villain targeting her – and then she has to face the fallout. Will Astro City’s most prominent super heroine survive? Don’t miss the grand finale of this four-part epic
Batman #29 by DC Comics
The ‘DARK CITY’ chapter of ‘ZERO YEAR’ reaches its conclusion in this amazing, extra-sized issue! Now, the next chapter of Zero Year is almost upon us, and we’ve saved the best for last! What corners of Batman’s past will be revealed? And how will they impact his very near future? Find out here!
Super Spider-Man #29 by Marvel Comics
‘Goblin Nation’ – Part 3 of 5
The Spider-Slayer Squadron were supposed to be under Mayor J. Jonah Jameson’s control…
…but now they’ve been drafted into The Goblin Nation!
Guest Starring: Spider-Man 2099!
The Walking Dead #123 by Image Comics
‘ALL OUT WAR,’ Part Nine
Who’s side is Dwight REALLY on?
Zombie Tramp (vol 3) #3 by Danger Zone
Janey’s zombie powers continue to evolve, while the passenger body count continues to rise, as the Taint Train of Terror chugs on! It’s an express ride of sex, gore, and cartoon grindhouse mayhem! Ugly Love variant cover by Super Ugly, and ‘risque’ incentive cover by Pavel Balabanov (Bo Plushy Gangsta)..